To follow up on my previous, I went to Mrs. Maschler's memorial service this morning. I
heard from her former colleagues and students and her daughters. And
everyone speaking worked together to paint a picture of her. She was a
woman who was incredibly blunt, and also incredibly interested in
everyone she talked to. When you talked to her, she really listened.
And when she told you that you were wrong and told you why (quite
forcefully!) she did so not because she delighted in putting you in your
place, but because she really took what you had to say seriously. She
took -you- seriously. And she would hold up your words to the same
(merciless) scrutiny that she applied to Sts Augustine and Paul or Kant.
You were in the same boat as they were. You were not just some kid,
you and your words mattered to her.
because you mattered to her, your life mattered to her, and she would
worry over it. She always thought I was not living up to my
intellectual potential, working the job I did. But she said that
because she really did care about me. And so it was, apparently, with
everyone she knew.
value kindness a lot. Which might be funny or hypocritical coming from
me, I don't know. And I generally take little stock in people that are
blunt or abrupt because they are 'being honest'. But from her, telling
you that you were -wrong- sir, that was a kindness. It was a mark of
respect. I will never forget that.
May her memory be blessed.
And if I may be abstract, I think my experience with Chaininah is instructive. All my life I was told I was smart and special and was awarded parts on the back for doing as well as could be expected for someone of my years. Chaininah was a rare person who did not hold me to some kind of weighted 'pretty smart for a punk kid' standard, but held me to the same standard that she held the great minds of history. And perhaps that's what we need more of in our teachers and our education -- an attempt to take students seriously, to ask them to really put their minds out there and hold themselves up to no less standard than finding the truth.